Your New York Dietitians - "Dedicated to helping you get the results you deserve!"
A "Health Kit" combines all the neccessary tools and products for long-term success. Whether your goal is to lose weight or eat healthier, here are a few examples of "Your NY Dietitian" recommended products
that will help get you started.
"Misto" is an olive oil spray can that cuts portions without cutting nutritients. Olive oil is a powerful anti-inflammatory fat, however just 1 measly tablespoon packs up to 135 calories. This spray can was designed for the healthy weigh-conscious cook.
Pedometers are easy to use and a lot more affordable than a gym membership. For only $1, this device tracks daily steps so you can set more measurable goals. Aim for at least 6,000 steps of walking per day which is just about 3 miles.
"Fit & Fresh" to-go containers make healthy snacks such as fruit and veggies more portable. It even comes with a compartment for storing a tasty low-fat dip. Reaching your 9 servings of fruits and veggies each day just got a whole lot easier.
"GG crackers" are one of the lowest calorie and highest fiber crackers on the market. One cracker has 5g fiber and only 12 calories. Add your favorite low calorie topper to make them go down a little easier. While they're not the tastiest crackers out there, your body will thank you.
"BPA-Free Water Bottles" not only protect you against dangerous chemicals found in plastic or canned beverages, but they also remind you to HYDRATE! Very few people drink enough water throughout the day so this could be a necessity.
"PB2" is an all-natural powdered peanut butter that contains 85% less calories than the regular versions. For only 45 calories per serving, this all-natural alternative will satisfy those nutty cravings without the guilt. Just mix 2 tbsp with a few drops of water and ENJOY!
What's in your health kit? Your NY Dietitian would love to know!
Email with your favorite health products for a chance to make the list and win a free 20 minute phone consultation.
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